Why Your Travel Company Needs a Mobile App?

Having a mobile app for your travel company can significantly enhance the overall travel experience for both B2B and B2C customers. 

Here are some compelling reasons why your travel business should consider investing in a mobile app:

Location-based Services: Mobile apps equipped with GPS-based location services enable tourists to access crucial information about their destination. They can easily find nearby restaurants, popular attractions, and navigate their way around unfamiliar places. Providing destination-specific information enhances user experience and makes their travels more enjoyable.

Notifications: Utilizing push notifications, mobile apps can keep customers informed about important updates, promotions, discounts, and reminders. For instance, combining geolocation with notifications can offer travelers exclusive deals or discounts relevant to their current location, increasing user engagement and interaction with the app.

Real-time Content: Mobile apps can deliver real-time information to travelers, such as weather updates, currency rates, travel advisories, and government alerts. By providing up-to-date information, travel apps not only assist users during their journey but also save them time, money, and foster customer loyalty.

Personalization and Customization: A mobile app allows for personalized services, displaying tailored information, content, recommendations, and offers based on users’ browsing history, preferences, and location. By saving and utilizing previous search data, the app can offer customized experiences, further enhancing customer satisfaction.

How a B2B Travel Company Can Leverage a Mobile App:

  • Access to Travel Agents & Staff: A mobile app can extend the services available on the company’s website to travel agents and staff. It allows them to access travel portal services anytime and anywhere, enabling bookings, resolving issues, and providing better service on the go.

How a B2C Travel Company Can Leverage a Mobile App:

Access to Critical Information: A mobile app becomes a valuable tool for providing customers with essential information during their travels, including booking details, itineraries, hotel and transfer details. Travelers can access all the necessary data conveniently from the app at any time, eliminating the need to store information separately.

Additional Utility: Travel companies can enhance their customers’ experience by providing additional information and location-based services relevant to their travel destination. This includes recommendations for restaurants, attractions, shopping spots, and more, saving users time and aiding in better trip planning.

How to Get a Mobile Application for Your Travel Business?

Obtaining a mobile app for your travel business is simpler than you might think. Whether you have an existing travel technology provider or multiple tech platforms, leveraging APIs can be the key to seamless integration.

Sriggle, a leading travel technology platform, offers an independent mobile application for all travel businesses, regardless of their technology provider or suppliers. The process involves reprogramming your API to the required format and integrating it with Sriggle’s mobile platform. Customization and testing are done to match your preferences, and the app can then be hosted on iOS and Android platforms.

In conclusion, mobile apps have revolutionized the travel industry by providing comprehensive services to customers. In today’s technology-driven world, having a mobile app for your travel company is essential for delivering an unbeatable travel experience. Sriggle offers specialized travel mobile application development, catering to the unique needs of your business. Schedule a meeting with their experts to learn more about this game-changing opportunity.